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A child of God in 2012

9th February 2012


John 1:12
"But as many as received him, to them he gave
the right to become children of God"(NASB)

What wonderful words for this new year.
Remember that we are a part of the
"many as received him."
It is important to acknowledge that it is God who
" gave them the right to become children of God."

In understanding the meaning of the title
"children of God"
we must switch from our human ways of thinking
.and try and understand how God sees us.
For us "children" implies growing into adulthood.
For God, we will always be the "children" of our Father.
For that we must give Him all the praise.

We can grow in grace and understanding
as the Spirit guides and leads us,
through the Living Word.
God will always look upon us as His children.
His relationship to us will always be
one of a loving and caring Father.
It is God who allows us "the right" to become
reconciled to himself.

We need to be reminded of the flow of events
which enables us to claim the right
to become "children of God."
Through his previent grace
we became convinced of our sins,
and needed to be forgiven and reconciled to God
thought Jesus our saviour.
It was then that we became "children of God"
and continue to be so,
until we enter the Kingdom of God

Bob Imms 22.1.12


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