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A New Year Prayer

20th January 2020

Lord our God we come humbly

into your presence

at the beginning of a new year.

Our years come and go

but you remain and are always the same,

your dominion and your faithfulness,

your righteousness and mercy

have no beginning and no end.


You have always been there

going before us to prepare the way,

standing behind us, urging us

towards new hopes and a new creation.

Help us to walk quietly and thankfully

away from the old year.

Help us to see this New Year as you see it.


We confess our independence and pride.

We are sorry for our mistakes

and our failure to love as you love.

Lord grant us your forgiving grace.

Let us know your healing power.


We dare to believe that this is a new day

not a repeat of the year that’s gone.

In Christ we already have a new beginning.

Your presence is the promise of new life,

Your grace gives us courage,

so we come to worship and serve you today

and all the days of our lives.



Rev E.A. (Ted) Curnow.


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