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A temple of God

28th April 2011


1 Cor 3:16
"The Spirit of God dwells in you"

Paul has already proclaimed those wonderful words for us,
"you are a temple of God."
The only way that our bodies can be thus
is by God dwelling in us in a spiritual way.

Jesus said "It is the Spirit who gives life,
the flesh profits nothing."
Paul says "If we live by the Spirit,
let us also walk by the Spirit."
Of this we must continually reminds ourselves.
Samuel Wesley's last words to his two sons were,
"the inward spirit, son, the inward spirit-this is the proof."

Jesus gave the eleven disciples (less Judas)
the gift of the Holy Spirit well before
the Spirit of wind, fire and tongues
came at Pentecost.
What is so different for us is that to allow the Holy Spirit,
a part of the Trinity, the freedom to enter in
and dwell in our hearts and minds.

Have you ever wondered why
the Holy Spirit is very seldom mentioned
in the first three Gospels?
Jesus did not need to
because the Son and the Spirit was one at that time.

It was only in the Upper Room, as Jesus warned them
of His departure from this earth
that it was necessary to introduce
a new way of communication
between God and His children.
This was the Holy Spirit.


Bob Imms 24.4.11

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