7th July 2014
Seeds For Harvesting 9/22
ROM 15:13
"The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in him."
How must we really trust in him?
Is it with just a small portion of our lives?
The words 'the God of hope'
explode and expand all before us.
Not just for this moment of time
but on into eternity.
This hope produces in us 'all joy and peace’.
Have you ever stopped and considered
why Jesus spent time
only hours before His crucifixion
talking about 'joy'?
‘that in me you might have joy'.
Because he would in three days rise from the grave!
Not only would he bring joy but also peace
because of his risen presence.
If because of our 'hope'
our lives are filled with 'joy and peace' ,
what more do we need?
‘Hope, joy, peace, trust.’
They are wonderful words for us
from our loving heavenly Father.
Bob Imms 6.7.14
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