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Always with Christ

2nd December 2011


John 14:3

"When everything is ready, I will come and get you,
so that you will always be with me."

I wonder whether Jesus would ever have been
so close to His disciples as when
he spoke these words?
In front of him lay suffering, death, resurrection
and entry into his glory with the Father.

For the disciples,
after his ascension they would have to learn
a completely new way of looking at their lives
and responding to his call.

Living without the physical presence of Jesus
would be difficult enough.
He said to them
"In a little while and you won't see me."
What comforting words these would be for them:
"I will come and get you,
so that you will always be with Me."

These words of Jesus have always brought to my mind
the picture of Jesus taking me by the hand
and leading me over death into eternal life with him,
so that I do not die
but enter right into glory with Him.

These words are enriching for us
whether we are old or young.
After all, human life is only temporary.

We should let these words of Jesus
so permeate our minds and hearts
that they turn morbid words about funerals
into a glorious future in spite of our age.

Bob Imms 30.10.11



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