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An Enlightened Heart

15th September 2011


Eph. 1:18
"I pray also that the eyes of your heart
may be enlightened."

I believe that here Paul introduces us
to a new understanding of prayer.
In spite of the daily events that were happening in his busy life
he still continued to pray for the churches in
Asia Minor, Rome and for the followers in Jerusalem.
To do this his mind and heart would be filled with prayer,
and he must have been continually conscious
of God's presence and guidance.

One of the lessons we should learn is that our praying
must not be centred only in one moment of each day.
Every event in every day should be prayer-centred.
Do we switch off our heartfelt needs
when we think that God may be embarrassed?

Paul prays "that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened".

One way we can do this
is to allow the Living Word of Jesus
to speak to us by placing ourselves
alongside the disciples as they listen to Him,
so that His spoken Word really touches our hearts.
These words will encourage, challenge and enrich us
as we read or listen to them.

Paul prays that we "may be enlightened",
that the light of Christ will become alive in our hearts
and the truth of His Word touch "the eyes of our heart",
so that our whole life glows with His loving presence.

Jesus prayed these words
in His final hours upon this earth
and they need to become real for us,
"that the glory which You have given Me I have given them."

Bob Imms 28.8.11


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