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Bound in Love

2nd December 2011


Col. 3:14 "Above all, clothe yourselves with love,
which binds us all together in perfect harmony."

Paul has this wonderful spiritual gift
of being able to gather together
christian virtues into simple phrases,
"Above all."

Then come words of action "clothe yourselves,"
which involves us in absorbing these Christian virtues
into our minds and hearts
so that they become a part of
our everyday experiences of life.
These Christian qualities are encompassed
in the two words "with love".

My friends,
we can never fully understand
the "height, length, breadth and depth
of these words concerning God's love,
but we can experience it in our hearts
through the Living Word
and Paul and John's writings.

Having clothed ourselves with love,
we find ourselves experiencing
this new discovery that changes our understanding
of the meaning of worship and witnessing to the world
and can result in our experiencing that
"which binds us together in perfect harmony."

Bob Imms 16 10.11



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