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By Grace

10th March 2011


Eph 2:8
"By grace you have been saved through faith."

Here is another of what I call ‘Paul's Gems'.
I often imagine Paul, thinking in his heart,
through the Holy Spirit.
For us to understand Paul's gems
we must let the Holy Spirit
speak to our hearts through His words.

In this day there is such a wide difference between
Godly love and worldly love.
It sends shivers down my spine
when a shop assistant says to me
"what can I do for you Luv?"

It is God who saves us through His grace.
Yes - the Word says
"God so loved the world."
He did and still does.
But still the world is yet
to be saved through His grace.

We do not save ourselves through our own faith.
It is His grace that grows faith in our lives.
Our faith operates in our lives by God's grace that saves first.
That is why Paul goes on to say
"not of yourselves lest any should boast."

Grace is love
that has cost God the death of His Son.
There is no greater love than this.
I find it hard to acknowledge that God did so much for me
before He ever sent His grace into my life
that resulted in faith that enables me to say "Yes" to Jesus.

Bob Imms 13.3.11


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