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By His Wounds

29th July 2011


1 Peter 2:24
"By his wounds we are healed."

It always amazes me that
just a few words from the Scriptures
can mean so much.
These words "wounded" and "healed"
are infused with suffering
yet they are words of hope for all who are following Jesus.
"And He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross
that we might die to sin and live to righteousness."

They drove four nails into his hands and feet,
then into a criminal's cross.
But for us they are a sign of Jesus bearing our sins
in His body on that cross.
Jesus' death was God's act of reconciling us to Himself.

It is only when personally we understand the full significance
of these few words that they become real for us.
Jesus suffered on that cross
for my sins of yesterday, today and until He returns.

Too often we load ourselves with our sins
when we should be rejoicing that we have been forgiven.
We expect God's healing to be a miraculous physical healing.
Because of our burden we do not recognise and acknowledge
God's miracles happening around us and in us

What is more important, these words mean
healing for our spiritual relationship with the Father.
Jesus healed and still does.
"He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities"

Bob Imms 24.7.11.



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