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Christmas is Coming

21st November 2014

Christmas Invitation

Don't let the season pass without taking the opportunity to share the good news story of Christmas with others.

Ask your minister to prepare a brief, friendly letter to the people of your community inviting them to join others over the Christmas period at your church. The wording needs to be brief, the layout attractive. You may like to offer newcomers the gift of a Gospel. Beyond letterbox dropping arrange a brief appointment to meet your local Mayor. Present a letter to him/her and personally invite him and his staff to a Christmas event or the Service on Christmas Day.

Christingle Celebration

For many years churches around the world have gathered children together to celebrated Jesus as light coming into the world. Why not tell the story, make a Christingle, sing and celebrate God's love for the world and people everywhere. Here we attach a few resources to get you started on creating your own celebration. See attachments below for description and click here for the pdf instructions (1 page) on how to make a Christingle.

Plenty of resources are available on line when you Google: Christingle Hymns, Songs etc. May need to check copyright for hymns and services.

Other Christmas material as outreach gifts

Adelaide's Lutheran Layman League offers a range of quality print resources. You can view their catalogue by clicking on Lutheran tract Mission. Under headings Advent and also Christmas you will find headings. Children's, Resources, Greetings, Large-print, Teaching/Devotional, Text cards/ bookmarks.

Google: Bible Society Bookshop. Go to Categories, Mission also Seasonal. The best thing about Christmas (Child) 30c, Best friend for ever.(Child) 30c, Goodnews for Christmas (adult) 30c, Bring Christ back into Christmas, $4.50.

Google: Challenge Good News . Go Distribution , Ideas sheet, for a range of distribution suggestions. email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Another evangelical ministry (run by the Sydney Anglicans) with Christian Christmas cards and tracts:


Another site with helpful tracts and booklets: The Good Book

and lastly, a church resources site where you can download free posters and include your local church information for church and Christmas eventsClick here

E.A. (Ted) Curnow. 24.11.13


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