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Come after me

2nd June 2011


Matt. 16:24
"If anyone wishes to come after Me,
let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me."

To "come after Me and follow Me" challenges us
concerning our day-by-day walk with Jesus.
He invites us each day to make this commitment.

We have this freedom of choice "if anyone wishes."
We must not make this decision under duress.
It is with joy, thanksgiving and a great sense of anticipation,
that we do this.

The next step is self-denial:"let him deny himself."
This only happens if we are convinced that
His way for us is the best.
In other words all our actions, words and thoughts
are flavoured by His presence in our minds and hearts.
In this is our joy and freedom for the way ahead.

Next we must take up our cross.
For Jesus, it was complete willingness and
obedience to His Father's will.

For us this can mean sometimes a simple task
in our home, church, community,
or for the Kingdom of God.
It can also mean an empty cross,
and all that means,
because we now live in the light of the resurrection.

"Come after Me" means Jesus is always ahead of us
to prepare the way for us.
We shall never be alone, or lose our way.
"What a friend we have in Jesus."

Bob Imms 29.5.11



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