11th February 2013
Ps 8:5
"You have made him a little lower than the angels,
And have crowned him with glory and honour".
These words should be stored
in our sub-conscious
so that we don't have to stop and call them to mind.
They need to be in our spiritual memory.
They are too important for us to leave in a book.
We are unique in all of God's creation,
therefore we can receive God's glory.
God is saying to us that he has given us
all that we can absorb of his personality,
but we are ‘a little lower than the angels',
because we are still sinners.
Here is our potential and also our challenge.
Here, in our life's journey,
is the challenge to become more like him
and to continually seek to have
‘that mind which was in Christ Jesus',
and to allow the ‘fruit of the Spirit' to grow in us.
There is joy in living day by day in fellowship with Jesus
and also in becoming more like him.
Then comes this wonderful pronouncement that we have been
‘crowned with glory and honour'.
This 'glory' event is not only something that shall be ours in eternal life,
but Jesus said, ‘I have given them the glory you have given me.'
'Glory' must always be linked with 'honour.'
Glory is always God-given, we can never earn it.
It is God's sovereign right to crown us
‘with glory and honour.'
Bob Imms 10.2.13
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