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Devoted To Fellowship

10th April 2012

* THE CALL TO FELLOWSHIP. Positionally and practically in ‘Body Life' we are ‘members together of one body and sharers together in Christ' (Eph 3:6) ‘in God's household' (Eph 2:19; II Tim 3:15) ‘loving and serving one another (John 17:11-23). ‘Esprit de Corps' is a military expression. Fellowship not only in our Worship services! Who do you know by name and need? True Christians should be mutually built up together in Christ! See ‘together' in Psalm 34:3. 'You' in the N.T. Letters is usually plural, not singular.

* THE CLUE TO FELLOWSHIP. N.T. Greek word ‘koinonia', often combined as fellow-heirs, f-workers, f-citizens etc. and we have co- words. Also spot the many ‘one-anothers' in the N.T. Letters. But there are Two Dimensions: (a) Personal-divine level. ‘Fell'p with the Father' (I John 1:3). ‘Participate in the divine nature' (II Peter 1:4) as ‘the children of God through faith in Christ' (Gal.3:26). Fell'p with Jesus' (I John 1:3; I Cors 1:9. ‘Fell'p with the Holy Spirit' (Phil 2:1; II Cors 13:14 Benediction). Together, Our Triune God! 14:17,23 we). (b) Corporate-human level. Paul declares ‘I have you in my heart, you share God's grace with me' (Phil 1:7) and ‘I delight how orderly you are' (Col 2:5) - a military word. ‘Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love' in an old hymn - a divinely wrought bond, not a human-organised link! Do we express quality fellowship in our own church worship and small groups, and with other local churches across denominations, and wider Christian opport-unities of being ‘one in Christ' for vital, evangelistic outreach?
* THE CHARACTERISTICS OF FELLOWSHIP. Enriching. Beyond mateship - GOD is at its heart (I Cors 1:4-5). It inspires us, not just as we get, but give! Even Paul needed others (Rom 1:12). Embracing. No fences or cliques. The open heart and ‘hand of fellowship' (Galns 2:9). Encouraging. Barnabas was, by his name and nature (Acts 4:36; 9:26; 11:25-26). We may owe Paul to him! David and Jonathan, Moses and Joshua ,etc. Enterprising. Adventurous, never stagnant. Methodist Covenant Service Confession: ‘If we have made no ventures in fellowship'. Have we? Enduring. Division and quarrels mar a church's witness. Heed Paul's appeal (I Cors 1:10-13). An early pagan tribute: ‘See how these Christians love one another'. Envy, jealousy and gossip wound fellowship! Parable of the wheel, with spokes closer at the hub! MHB 721 Hymn ‘Touched by the loadstone of Thy love' (a magnetic stone). TiS 600 also includes God's love magnet.
Refreshing. Often found (Rom 15:32; I Cors 16:18; II Tim 1:16; Philemon v7).
* THE COST OF FELLOWSHIP. Being ‘devoted to fellowship' is costly in time, love, prayer and effort. With 168 hours a week, how much is expressed as ‘believers together'? See ‘together' 3x in Acts 2:42-26. What are your priorities? - Worship, Holy Communion, prayer, Bible Study, giving of your substance and yourself, shared testimony and ‘God's love touches', marriage bond, hospitality, practical service? All that can express true fellowship!

quoted from the Methodist Hymn Book

Welcome from earth: lo, the right hand of fellowship to you we give
Truly our fellowship below with Thee and with the Father is.

Let us join - ‘tis God commands - let us join our hearts and hands;
Help to gain our calling's hope, build we each the other up . . .
While we walk with God in light, God our hearts doth still unite;
Dearest fellowship we prove, fellowship in Jesus' love.

Didst Thou not make us one that we might one remain,
Together travel on and bear each other's pain . . .
Then let us ever bear the blessed end in view,
And join, with mutual care, to fight our passage through. (

Join us, in one spirit, join, let us still receive of Thine;
Still for more on Thee we call, Thou who fillest all in all . . .
Sweetly may we all agree, touched with loving sympathy:
Kindly for each other care; every member feel its share.

Touched by the loadstone* of Thy love, let all our hearts agree,
And ever toward each other move, and ever move toward Thee.

He bids us build each other up; and, gathered into one,

To our high calling's glorious hope we hand in hand go on. (745)

Also a good Fellowship Hymn in older Hymn Books:
Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred hearts is like to that above.
Before our Father's throne we pour our ardent prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, our comforts and our cares.

Rev Perry Smith, Belmont, NSW.

* Loadstone is a magnetic stone - a good illustration of fellowship.


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