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Don’t Be a Bunny

31st August 2010

We all enjoy chocolate Easter eggs, bunnies, hot cross buns and holidays Beyond the bunny and these special treats, the exciting meaning of Easter has changed the course of history

On Good Friday Christian people everywhere remember the events that surrounded the death of Jesus Christ. Crucifixion was a brutal and violent form of execution. Today it reminds us of the brutality, violence and injustice that still exists in our world and that stems from the reality of our human weakness and failure.

A public procession where we carry a Cross and read the Scriptures is a visible way of recounting what happened. But more than recounting history it also celebrates a present living reality. In ancient prophecy it was foretold that one special innocent person would die for the guilty. Jesus Christ likened himself to the Shepherd who would willingly lay down his life for His sheep, for lost humanity and people like you and me.

Today is Good Friday because after dying for us an amazing happening of Jesus resurrection took place on Easter Sunday. The resurrection is an historical sign that shows He actually destroyed the final power of death. He left an empty tomb behind and appeared repeatedly for 40 days and to hundreds of people.

Easter is more than a holiday, more than a religious tradition. One day we can be sure that you and I will die. Who better can we trust our life and death to than one who has been there and back?

Today the living Jesus stands at the door of every person's life asking for entrance. Through a willing step of personal trust you can surrender yourself to Him. This will mean that your old life is finished with for ever and that the gift of His new life has come. If you choose this new Easter beginning share it with someone who will understand and contact the church of your choice to learn more.

Prepared by Rev Ted (EA) Curnow August 2010

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