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Faith in Love

2nd December 2011


Gal. 5:6 "What is important is faith expressing itself in love."

When we say "I believe"
we are acknowledging our belief
in the Triune God,
and expressing our faith in a visible way
so that others can actually see
our faith at work in our lives.
Faith is expressing by our actions and words
how we feel in our hearts.

Paul then takes us a step further by saying
"faith expressing itself in love."

How important is this word "expressing".
We need to seriously pray about how we express our faith.
The wrong words can turn aside a seeker.

God's love encompasses all His actions and gifts in us.
Godly love never changes
in its warmth, depth and intensity.
It is always the same yesterday, today and for ever.

We should always be seeking to love with
that same intensity and depth as God loves us
In combining our faith and love together
We are better able to express what we believe.

I believe that communicating our faith
becomes real for others through our love for them.

Paul is also saying that love comes first.
We can share our faith more adequately
if we love first.

Bob Imms 2.10.11


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