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Fill our hearts with his love

19th July 2011


Romans 5:5
"He (God) has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love."

The love for one another in this day seems cluttered
with the tangles of living,
but what clarity is given from our love
for God and His love for us.

Too often we seek to understand the meaning of God's love for us
in the terms our human understanding of love,
but the Words says that it's the Holy Spirit's God given task
"to fill our hearts with His (God's) love."

It is difficult for us to reason out the nature of God's love for us.
But all God expects of us is to receive His gift of love with thanksgiving and allow it to permeate
through our bodies, minds and hearts
through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Here is a revelation for us from His Word
which we probably have never thought about before.
That it's the Holy Spirit's task to passes on to us God's love,
and to help us through His guidance,
for that love to grow in us.
And always it is in the fertile soil of our hearts
that we receives this gift not just our minds.

It was not just the consciousness of my sin that drove me
into the loving hands of God.
It was the overwhelming realisation, unbelievable for me,
that God really loved, and accepted me, a sinner.
In all the years of being a Pastor to the flock
that conviction has never left me but grown stronger.

Bob Imms 10.7.11


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