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Giving to God

8th December 2011


Luke 21:2
"And He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites."

This was not an acted-out scene.
It was true life, "a certain poor widow",
was a true worshipper of God,
and she was actually "putting in two mites"
in the temple treasury.

I often wonder why the Gospel record
omits the name of the person Jesus was ministering to?
I feel that this passage would become more
real for me if the woman was named.

But, on the other hand, perhaps the gospel writer
is wanting us to concentrate on Jesus' teachings
and not the events and people.
It is our open-heartedness to receive as we read
which is important.

We could say, "this passage does not apply to me
as I am not a poor widow."

But it does.
It is not who we are that is important,
but our commitment through our giving.

We must acknowledge this widow's
commitment to her God.
She was both a widow, and therefore poor,
with possibly a family to care for and feed.

Yet she was there to worship God,
and give to Him of her meagre subsistence.
Jesus' teachings always grow out of real-life situations.
This message is particularly relevant for us
at this Christmas time.

Bob Imms 11.12.11



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