14th July 2014
PS 139:16
"You saw me before I was born,
every day of my life was recorded in your book."
How often we read in the Living Word
things that we find difficult to grasp.
Here is one.
For every person
that is born on the face of the earth,
God has prepared a plan.
Just because God
planned it this way
does not mean
that it will happen,
for he has given us the freedom to choose.
Oh what a joy to willingly
lock into his plan for us
when we say 'yes' to Jesus.
The wonder of it all is
that he is continually causing
large and small events
in our living to remind us
that he still has an interest in our future.
Every good and perfect gift
in our lives comes from God
who loves us with an unfailing love.
Bob Imms 13.7.14
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