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Grace through Power

13th February 2012


2 Cor. 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is perfected in weakness"

Here are words that put
our living day by day into perspective.

How difficult it is for us to live
with our lives fully dependant on God's grace
and not on our own achievements.
The Amplified Bible describes God's "grace"
as "my favour and loving kindness and mercy".

It is important that we note this word "sufficient".
It means that God is saying to us "my grace is all you need
to recognise my "power" working in your lives".

We must allow God's "grace"
to become "sufficient"
so that our human achievements
become God-centred.

For God to achieve this
we must allow two of his gifts
to control our living.
God's Living Word to direct our lives
and the Holy Spirit to guide us
through this Word.

Then our "weakness"
becomes a goal for living
as it is replaced with God's "power".
Then our whole goal for living
is refocused into "My grace"
and it becomes "sufficient"
for our every need.

Bob Imms 12.2.12



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