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Guided by the Holy Spirit

9th April 2012


Gal 5:16
"Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives."

On this Pentecost Sunday let us take to our hearts
these words of the Apostle Paul.

To allow the Holy Spirit to "guide your lives"
is not easy.
The risen Christ is not physically visible to us,
yet we walk and talk with him day by day.
So it is with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says to us
, "the world cannot receive him"
"I will send him to you"
"he will glorify me"

Here is a mystery, it is all of God,
is it any wonder that his ministry to us
is hard to grasp.

Even though he is not physically visible to us
yet what Jesus says is true
"He will guide you into all the truth."

All that Jesus promises us, love, joy, peace and a lot more,
come to us through the Holy Spirit.
He does this through glorifying Jesus and not himself.

All our praying arrives in the father's presence,
through the Holy Spirit, who teaches us how to pray.

I have not found one occasion when Jesus actually tells us
to pray to the Holy Spirit.
It is always in the name of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
Then our praying becomes acceptable to God.

Bob Imms 8.4.20


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