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He hears my voice

8th August 2011


Psalm 116:1
"I love the Lord because He hears my voice
and my prayers for mercy."

Whenever Jesus spoke to the crowd
His words became personal to each of the hearers.
So it is for us.

These words from the Psalms,
bring rejoicing for all, down through the ages,
who read them.

I believe that at the end of my days I will be able to say,
"He hears my voice," not just my words.
He has heard the voice that is mine, and mine alone.

My friends, God can hear my voice
amongst the millions of others in the world.
This unbelievable fact might cause some
to turn away from Him in disbelief.
Remember the words of the angel to Mary
before the birth of Jesus,
"Nothing will be impossible with God".

Is this not the great wonder of our God
that He actually hears us
and that we are worthy of such a blessing?
Our Father not only hears
but He also responds to our heart's desire without hesitation.
This is why "I love the Lord".

Our "prayers for mercy" He also hears.
The Living Word leaves us in no doubt that
even though Jesus died for our sins
yet still we sin and need God's forgiveness.
Here is another reason why "I love the Lord".

Bob Imms 7.8.11



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