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He Hears Us

14th March 2012


1 John 5:14
"We are confident that he hears us
whenever we ask for anything that pleases him." (NLT )

Here is a new objective for living
that perhaps we have never thought of before.
It is to "please him."
So often we plead for help and forget to "please him,'

That is why I like this NLT version
which speaks of pleasing God instead of discovering his will.
To discover God's will is much more difficult than pleasing him.

Through pleasing our loving heavenly Father we become
"confident that He hears us."
This means, without a shadow of doubt,
and having complete faith in him.
But there is always a condition
"whenever we ask for anything that pleases him."
That does not mean that God puts conditions on us pleasing Him.
It is important to note that we do not please him by being
obedient, but firstly because we love him,
and there is a big difference.
We would rather have our children obey us,
because we love them, and they love us,
not because we have authority over them.
So it is with us and our God.

How important it is that we note that
"he hears us whenever we ask."
That is what we can have confidence in.

I wonder sometimes if God feels like giving up on us,
because we do not acknowledge him speaking to us?
Always remember that his promise is
that he will never leave us or forsake us.

Bob Imms 11.3.20.


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