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He Strengthens Me

22nd April 2010


Phil 4:13
"I can do all things through Him that strengthens me."

This wonderful testimony was written by Paul
as he awaited his death by crucifixion in Rome.

The words "All things" do not mean
everything in our human experience,
but rather all that God has planned for us to do.
The word Him means God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God allows us to divide Himself up
to help us in our human understanding.
There is no doubt in Paul's mind that he would be able to do anything that God had planned for him.
What is more important that he knew that God would not ask him to do anything that was beyond his ability to achieve.

As individuals or congregations are we, at this moment of time, hesitating to accept God's plans for us?
There are certain ground rules to help us.
Is our plan acceptable to the Holy Spirit,
Does it sit comfortably with God's Word,
and are there two or three fellow Christians agreeing with us?

"Him that strengthens me",
relates to not only our personal growth
but also to our reaching out in His name.
Jesus never allowed His personal needs to transcend
His mission of reaching out to a needy world.

I do not know the author of the following words.
I have written them at John 14 in my Bible.
"Love grows through the acts that express it".

Bob Imms 18.4.10



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