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Hearing the Word of God

22nd March 2011


Rom 10:17
"Faith comes from hearing .
and hearing by the Word of God."

Jesus repeatedly challenged the Scribes, Pharisees
and the disciples with word that said
they had eyes but could not see ,
ears that could not hear and hearts that were hardened.

Our faith comes by
seeing and hearing the Word of God.
And not through the lies, deceit and hatred
that so often fills our world
of seeing and hearing.

Jesus continually reminds us
that we must hear and be obedient to His Word.
The scriptures are the fertile soil
in which our love of God becomes real
and our faith in Jesus grows.
Our fertile soil comes
from reading His Word.
If our eyes are not open
and our ears unstopped
then our hearts will not be receptive
to the Word of God.

This is not just when we find time to read the Word.
It must become a repeated, regular
and daily exercise for us.
Through the Holy Spirit
we are guided into seeing and hearing.
Through the Spirit
our hearts
become receptive to God's love for us.



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