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Held by His Hand

1st April 2013


Isaiah 42:6
"I have called you in righteousness.
I will also hold you by the hand, and watch over you."

This wonderful word "righteousness"
has so many meanings in Scripture.
For me it is saying that God is all caring,
all goodness, and all loving .

This word has no meaning unless we acknowledge
that God is all of these things for us.
We need to experience them in our human feelings and actions,
before God's call to us can become real.

This experience is expressed in this wonderful word picture
"I will hold you by the hand".
These words are so real for me
and I pray that they are for you also.

Take and read the words of Mk. 9:36
"And taking a child,
he (Jesus) stood him in their midst,
and, taking him in his arms he said
That's what God does for us when he "holds you by the hand".
If we cannot feel that warm glow
of loving care and guidance within,
then we have not accepted Jesus' hand.

Not only does he call us and take us by the hand,
but he will also "watch over you".
This does not mean that Big Brother
has his eye on you and you had better be careful.
The righteousness of God and the offer of His hand
should be linked with the belief
that He is lovingly watching over us.
The comfort of Him watching over us happens
when we place our lives in his hands with complete confidence.

Bob Imms 31.3.13


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