9th August 2010
John 17:22
"The glory You have given me, I have given to them."
What does it mean for us to receive Jesus' glory?
It's too unbelievable to comprehend.
Yet there have been times when
the very sense of Jesus' presence is so overpowering
that we are beside ourselves
with a sense of deep abiding love and joy.
Like C.S.Lewis we are "Surprised by joy."
God's "glory" was never absent from Jesus.
Whether the creator, incarnate in human flesh,
as the ‘criminal' on the cross, in death and resurrection,
God's glory, "the glory You have given Me"
was never absent from Him.
Unbelievable as it may seem,
that "glory" Jesus offers to us.
We can never equate it
with our human experiences.
We shall never produce it in a test tube.
We shall never reduce it to a formula.
God's "glory" is His gift to us through His Son,
and He asks us just to receive it.
Therefore we naturally want to give Him all the praise.
This gift is more glorious than any sunrise or sunset
because it touches our hearts first,
and because it is His "glory" it is eternal.
For me this childlike chorus speak volumes.
"That shall be glory, glory for me,
when by His grace I'll look on His face,
That will be glory, be glory, for me."
Bob Imms 8.8.10
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Beloved my heart is spiritually touched with your encouraging website.Kindly please share my ministry and help us with your teaching materials for they will be quality reading for the souls and ministry.
I hope that with you and your ministry planting here many souls will be blessed and touched. And ultimately your church will be established for the testmony of Jesus christ here at eastern parts of Kenya, Kisii, Ogembo, Gucha district. Happy to see you future God willingYours Pastor Michieka
Posted by Michieka on 11/23 at 01:59 PM