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I May Know Him

15th September 2011


Phil 3:10
"that I may know Him,
and the power of His resurrection."

This is not a throw-away line from Paul.
These words come from the depth of his being,
"that I might know Him".
As it was for Paul so it should be for us.

To fully know God and Jesus is always just out of our reach.
There are high moments during our walk with God,
when God-knowledge bursts upon our hearts and minds,
and then a new concept of the Eternal Truth takes root.
We should never forget these precious moments.
So it was for Peter when he said,
"You are the Christ, the son of the living God".
These words could only have come from the Holy Spirit.

For Paul, remembering the death of Jesus,
"and the power of His resurrection,
was a continuing and empowering experience.
I have often wondered if Jesus resurrected himself,
or did his Father do it?
I guess as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one
then it was the triune God
who was the source of the resurrection power.

For Paul the remembrance of Jesus' resurrection
was not a yearly event on resurrection Sunday,
but daily he experienced the "power of His resurrection".

How important that we continually live with thanksgiving
because of His resurrection power.
This frees us from the fear of death
and reminds us that we are embraced
by His promise of Eternal Life.

Bob Imms 4.9.11



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