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I will praise you

2nd February 2011


Psalm 9:1
"I will praise Thee, O Lord, with all my heart,
I will show forth all Thy wonderful works."

In composing Seeds For Harvesting
I must feel comfortable, and at ease,
before I can discover what the text is saying to me.
I firmly believe that God communicates with us
first through our hearts.
I must first "praise Thee...with my whole heart",
before I can "show forth Thy wonderful works".

This text speaks to us when we acknowledge
WHO God is "with my whole heart".
Our praise and worship can only become real
when we acknowledge who He is with our "whole heart",
before we acknowledge
WHAT He does through His "wonderful works".
God wants us to become His feeling people
before we become His thinking people.

Thomas' mind could not accept
that Jesus had risen until his heart cried out
with over powering joy "my Lord and My God".
John Wesley was only a run of the mill priest,
until his heart was strongly warmed.
He wrote "I felt I did trust in Christ,
Christ alone, for salvation".
Charles Wesley expressed this
heart-warming experience with the words,
"My chains fell off, my heart was freed. I rose,
went forth and follow Thee".

Let us free our minds
by expressing what is in our hearts first.

Bob Imms 30.1.11



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