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If you say so

15th September 2011


Luke 5:5
"but if you say so, I will let the net down again."

These words" but if you say so", are tired words
from Peter who had laboured all night and caught nothing.
I am sure we can sympathise with him.
Perhaps Peter had yet to learn
that he needed to respond to the authoritative word of Jesus first
before he could accept what his Lord was offering him.

He was obeying Jesus
"I will let the net down".
but his heart was not in it
because his experience told him
that there were no fish there.
It is difficult when our eyes
are giving us one message
and our heart another.

When the Lord prepares a blessing for us
what is our response?
Is it with thanksgiving, rejoicing and willingness,
or with the lingering thought, "I cannot handle this".
then going through the actions of obeying the Lord
with a great deal of misgiving.
The words of Jesus "O you of little faith" pass us by.

Remember, in spite of Peter's doubts
Jesus blessed him with a miraculous catch of fish.
Thank goodness Jesus does not hold back
because of our hesitation.

But for Jesus' death on the cross,
we would still be living in darkness
and wallowing in our sins.

Bob Imms 11.9.11



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