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Loving Kindness

10th March 2011



Ps 100:5
"The Lord is good, His loving kindness is everlasting,
His faithfulness to all generations."

The present moment, whether it be of joy or sadness,
always seems profoundly important for us.
Yet the Living Word is continually reminding us to
look beyond this present moment into God's eternity.
From the here and now
it is very difficult to comprehend
the eternity of God.
We cannot reason or understand the truth of these words.
It is only with hearts filled with love
that we can begin to comprehend such knowledge.

To say that God is "good"
seems inadequate to describe our heavenly Father.
He is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-loving.
Yet all our words seems inadequate to describe Him.
The Living Word describes Him as,
"loving-kindness" and "faithfulness to all generations".
They are concepts beyond our understanding,
yet in our hearts we know that they are true.

Just to think of the significance of these words
fills our hearts with joy when we realise
that they were uttered over two thousand years
before Jesus came to fulfil their meaning.

So let us, every day,
lift ourselves from our earth-bound humanity
into the immensity of His "loving kindness"
which is "everlasting" and
acknowledge Him with joy.

Bob Imms 27.2.11



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