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Love the Lord Your God

17th May 2011


Matt. 22:37
"You shall love the Lord God with all your heart."

This is a royal commandment; spoke to us,
by Him who rode into Jerusalem as our king and Lord.

We love through loving and by loving.
Its not an order that must be obeyed.
The Word says
"God is love, and all who live in love live in God."
We willingly obey this commandment because of who God is,
and you must love "with all your heart."

Love is born in us first through God loving us by His grace.
Only then can Godly love be real in us.
Next we must accept that love,
and only then can we respond to God's love
by loving him in return.
As the old hymn says we are
"Led by grace that love to know."

Without God's grace we would be loveless.
Only in our hearts is there is fertile soil for God's grace,
and through His grace, His love.

Too often we perform acts of love to prove to ourselves
that God's love is real.
The Word continually reminds us that God's love comes first
and not because of what we have done.
He always takes the initiative.

"Love divine, all loves excelling;
joy of heaven, to earth comes down."

Bob Imms 15.5.11



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