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My grace is sufficient

3rd February 2011



2 Cor 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is perfected in weakness."

Here is unlimited "power" supplied by "My grace".
These words will not make sense to the worldly-minded people
through self-achievement.
The words of Paul, "I would rather boast about my weakness,"
would not make sense to them.

Here, Paul is talking about humility.
Twice in this passage
he has mentioned not "exalting" himself.
But he isn't saying in the words of the old hymn,
"none of self and all for thee".
That would be out of balance.
He is just saying,
God's grace must always come before our self-worth.
Always in his mind are the Lord's words,
"My grace is sufficient for you."

How important are these words for those who have been called
to proclaim the Word
and those who have become His
"witnesses to the remotest part of the earth".

We must always carry in our hearts and minds
the picture of the Son of God
hanging on a criminal's cross for us.
Here is "power perfected in weakness".
Our congregational mission statements
should always acknowledge the Lord's assurance
"My grace is sufficient for you".
Jesus said, "Apart from Me you can do nothing".

I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord
than gain worldly riches.

Bob Imms 6.2.11


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