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My Grace is Sufficient

2nd December 2011


2 Cor 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you,
for my strength is made perfect in weakness."

Here are wonderful words
that we can meditate on day and night.

God is offering us something very special.
It is "my strength" and "my grace"
that he offers us.
These special gifts are for me,
and all members of the Body of Christ.
What wonderful good news for us.

Now we must appropriate it for ourselves
by not coming to him in our fullness of knowledge
but in our utter dependence upon him.
It is only through his grace
that we can appropriate these gifts.

We do not have to remind ourselves of our weaknesses.
We are continually mindful of them.
They can weigh us down so often
and cause us to question the truth of the Living Word.
God's message to us is
that we should not let this happen.
Remember the words "my strength",
that is God's strength,
"is made perfect".

We do not have to turn
our human weaknesses into our strength.
God takes them and makes them "perfect"
through his "strength."
We could never do this ourselves.

Bob Imms 27.11.11



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