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My Grace is Sufficient

7th May 2012


2 Cor. 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you,
for my strength is made perfect in weakness."(NKJV)

Here are wonderful words from our Father.
They were spoken to Paul because of his thorn in the flesh.
Paul had to turn his thinking away from himself
and to what God could do for him.

Not often do we find in the scriptures God naming his attributes.
Therefore it is important that we note these words.
"My grace" and "My strength."

We must not begin by using our minds
to understand what God means here.
Rather to allow our hearts to respond and rejoice,
that these are God's spoken words that we are reading.
The wonder of this is that God is actually becoming one of us
and bringing himself down to our mere human level.

The words "My grace" contains all of God's caring for Paul.
His loving kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness
are a part of his grace.

If we fill our thinking with our achievements,
then there is no room for God's grace
to be acting in our lives.

Then God says some wonderful words.
He does not reprimand Paul,
but promises his strength to help him.
to overcome his human weakness.
"My strength is made perfect in weakness."




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