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My Heart is Glad

14th January 2013


Ps 16:9 "No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice, my body rests in safety".
At any time we could lose our lives because our hold it is so fragile.
Although we plan on into the future, we can never be sure that those plans will be fulfilled.
Yet Jesus says to us "If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it."
Therefore the question is, is there anything more valuable than our human life?
What Jesus promises us is eternal life, and that

"I have come that you might have life in all its fullness"

which is beyond our human comprehension, but is a reality for those who believe.
If we accept his promise then everything else falls into place.
First my "heart is glad". This gladness is not related to anything we experience through our day-by-day living. It happens through our inner conviction that God is really leading us in this new year.
Then out of that security and comfort
"I rejoice" because "my body rests in safety"
Bob Imms 13.1.13


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