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People of the Resurrection

2nd June 2011


John 20:8
"Then the other disciple also went in
and he saw and believed."

We Christians are not a people of this
day, year, century, or age.
We are a people of the first resurrection.
And we wait in anticipation for Christ's return.
The wonder and the glory for the first Christians
was that Jesus was actually resurrected and alive,
but it took some time for them to accept
that the impossible had become possible.

This joyous fact
influenced all they said and did
during and after Pentecost.
The early Church structure and life was
overpoweringly influenced by this wonderful event.

Are our churches so occupied in developing structures and programmes, that we have lost sight of the fact
that we should be first, glorious people of the Resurrection?
Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life,
he who believes in me shall never die."
What a rich and wonderful promise that can live
with us now and right on into eternity.
I believe with all my heart that loving is living for a purpose.

It is so important that we should begin each new day
with a prayer of thanksgiving because Jesus is really alive.
Mary's resurrection message to the disciples
was not "He is risen" but "I have seen the Lord"
and that is significant.
As people of the resurrection we can
walk each day by the Spirit and not by the flesh.
The promise of eternity should create for us
our resurrection joys for each day.

Bob Imms 22.5.11


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