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Press Release 6 June 2008

3rd June 2008


Press Release 6/6/2008

Members of the Assembly of Confessing Congregations have responded with Despair, as yet another Uniting Church official speaks on the behalf of the whole Uniting Church, without canvassing opinion or accurately representing the views of people in the pews. "Uniting Church overseas aid director Kerry Enright last night told /The Age/ his church supported removing the guidelines, which ban funding for advice on abortion, termination services and training abortion doctors."

Rev Dr Max Champion Chair of the Assembly of Confessing Congregations (within the Uniting Church in Australia) said, "Kerry Enright does not speak for me or many of the concerned individuals in the Uniting Church on this issue.
Yet again we have an example of a Uniting Church Assembly Officer making statements that do not fairly or accurately portray the viewpoint of faithful members.
We are aware of the plight of women in developing nations and are concerned for those who face an unwanted pregnancy. We are however uncomfortable with the number of abortions and question the morality of abortion. Kerry Enright may believe the debate on abortion is over in the Uniting Church; it is not it has just been suppressed."

Kerry Enright has the right to speak for himself, but not for every member of the Church he is appointed to serve. Yet again our people are left with ample proof that their opinions and beliefs are not important enough to be considered or accurately reported.

Rev. Champion said, "I and many people in the Uniting Church have a profound respect for the unborn and believe human life is of value from the moment of conception to its natural completion.  Aid money should be used to fight disease, free people from hunger and improve health
--- unborn children are not a disease. "


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