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Rest awhile

25th June 2011


Mark 6:31

"Let us go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile."

God expects us to become conscious
of those load-bearing times
when we need to turn aside and find a "quiet place,"
so that we can be renewed in spirit and body.

The disciples were exhausted through exaltation.
Their missionary tour had been unbelievably successful,
teaching, healing and having power to cast out evil spirits.
But still the folk made demands upon their time.
Jesus' invitation was,
"let us go off by ourselves."
He understood their needs even before they did.

How often have we yearned for a "quiet place"
where we can seek forgiveness and be forgiven,
To renew again the heavenly vision within us.
To quieten again the rebellious spirit within us.

We cannot create an artificial place
where we can "rest awhile".
It is Jesus and the Spirit who invites us.

For me so often it is as I meditate on His Living Word,
that inner peace comes.
This happens through the presence
and guidance of the Holy Spirit
and not because of what I do.
"Father I affirm the joy of health and peace
in my mind and heart
because your love is real in me"

Bob Imms 26.6.11



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