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Sealed in Him

12th May 2011


Eph 1:13
"Having also believed,
you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise"

"Having also believed" is in our past tense.
It was when we began
our wonderful journey with Jesus.
First comes God's grace, then His sealing,
then our believing and then faith.

How can we understand what it means to be
"sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise"
unless we think outside of the square
we are living in.
This can only happen, "having also believed",
not just in the Jesus of Judea,
nor the historical Jesus,
nor the one in agony in the garden,
but the resurrected presence with Mary in the garden,
who was so bathed in glory
that He could not be touched.

When God seals us in Him
with, or, through the Holy Spirit
then that moment is more precious for us
than all the rest of the years of our life.
This can only be done by the "Holy Spirit of promise".

The Word declares
"You are a shield around me, O Lord;
You bestow glory on me and lift me up".

Bob Imms 8.5.11


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