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Search me O God

9th March 2012


Psalm 139:23
"Search me O God, and know my heart."

Reading these words can fill our hearts with thanksgiving
because God our heavenly father is willing
to have such a close relationship with us.
Asking God to search us, means that we are willing
to allow him to enter our innermost being
and for him to speak to our deepest needs.
To "know my heart" means just this.

"Search me...and know my heart,"
means that we invite our heavenly father into our hearts
where nobody else can go and where we find ourselves
lifted above our humanity into a godly presence
which is more precious than anything
we have ever experienced before.

Paul calls it a "seventh heaven".
They are experiences that could only come
by revelation through the Holy Spirit
and quite often by reading his Word.

When preparing the SFH
I am continually amazed that
the records in the Living Word
of Christmas, Easter and other important events
glow with a new light of revelation
that I had not experienced before.

This revelation happens because we are willing to allow God
to search us and know our hearts.

Bob Imms 4.3.12



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