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Seek and You Will Find

2nd December 2011


Jer.29:13 "You will seek and find me when you seek Me with all your heart. "

These are words that come to us from the dusty pages of history.
They were spoken to the Children of Israel in exile.
They are also words that can fill our hearts and minds
with great joy and peace in believing.
If we really seek God He will make Himself known to us,
whether it is yesterday, today or for ever.
It is God's promise for us.

Whether we are babes in Christ
or are being fed with meat and not milk
these words mean the same.
God treats us all the same, and He never sleeps.
Right at this moment of time if we seek Him,
He will reveal Himself to us.

God makes one condition in answer to our seeking:
we have to seek Him "with all your heart."
The Word here is not talking about
a part of our body,
but rather how we do our seeking.
Our seeking must not be a burden to us,
but rather filled with
anticipation, expectation, faith and joy.

That is the only way
that God can break through
this whole lifetime
filled with our anticipation of self fulfilment.

It is God who takes the initiative.
It is God who is speaking these words to us.

Bob Imms 23.10.11



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