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Set Free

7th April 2011


Romans 1:2
"Through Jesus Christ the law of the Spirit of life
set me free from the law of sin and death."

We who have committed our life to Jesus Christ
should see that Paul's teaching about the law
has a double meaning.
Either as God's power in the spiritual world
or as sin operating in human nature.
The first frees us and the second binds us.

Paul makes this message personal for us all
when he says "the Spirit of life sets ME free."
Our freedom is from sin and ultimate death.
We experience overwhelming joy to realise
that He sent His only Son into this world
for that very purpose, to free us.

We have two alternatives,
either to respond to the sin in our life
or for God to create in us His Spiritual nature.
As Paul says "If you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law."

The more I travel this earthly journey,
seeking to understand the will of God,
the more I am convinced that He expects us to
make decisions and not to leave it all to Him.
He has equipped us with minds, feelings and receptive hearts
for that very purpose.

But it is far more important
that we listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit
when He says "no" or "be careful" or "follow Me."
Above all we should never seek the guidance of God
concerning an act that is forbidden
in the Living Word of God

Bob Imms 3.4.11


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