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Show me the Way

2nd December 2011


Psalm 16:8
"You will show me the way of life,
granting me the joy of Your presence
and the pleasure of living with You forever "

We begin with God's sure proclamation.
"You will show me."
It is God's will and purpose to
"show me the way of life."

His gift to us from dawn to dusk is
"granting me the joy of Your presence."
God's presence in the ins and outs of each day
becomes a joyful experience for us.
Jesus' promise to us is always:
"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

To help us to untangle the puzzles of our daily living
involves us in becoming visionary people
as we live in the future with the promise of
an eternal hope, and realising the joy of
"the pleasure of living with You forever."

The ability to be able to live this joyful life
does not happen by creating
these experiences in our minds and hearts,
but by accepting them as gifts from our Lord.
Why should we struggle to create these promises
when God has already done so?
God's promise is that
"I will supply all your needs."

Bob Imms 20.11.11



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