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Spirit of Truth

11th June 2011


John 14:26
"The Holy Spirit ...He will teach you everything
and will remind you of everything I have told you."

These are words spoken by Jesus before His death
and they declare that the task of the Holy Spirit
is to "teach you everything."
Jesus named Him the "Spirit of Truth"
to fulfil this task.

During His earthly ministry
Jesus claimed for Himself the title of "Truth."
He said "I am the Truth"
and the source of that Truth was in His Word.
"If you abide in My Word...you shall know the Truth."

Pentecost heralded the coming of the Holy Spirit
through the signs of a mighty wind, fire and speaking in tongues.
Too often we forget that the Holy Spirit's most important task
according to Jesus was to
"bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."
In other words Jesus was saying
that if we want to be reminded of His words, His Truth,
then we seek the guidance in the Holy Spirit.

At Pentecost we recognise the power of the Holy Spirit
but from then on He has been fulfilling
the words of Jesus when He said
"He will glorify Me, for He shall take what is mine
and reveal it to you."

William Henry Parker has written,
"Holy Spirit, shine Thou on the Book we read;
Guild its holy pages with the light we need".

Bob Imms 12.6.11



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