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The Face of Jesus

12th September 2010


2 Cor 4:6
"The knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."

"Come follow Me and I will make you fishers of men."
were powerful words for Peter and John,
but what would be more powerful
was that they would actually see
"in the face of Jesus", the "glory of God."
For them it was God calling them.

We cannot see the "face of Jesus"
but we have more resources than the disciples had.
We have, encased in Christian history,
the "light," and the "knowledge"
and the "Glory of God."
This was the "gain"
that Charles Wesley wrote about
"And can it be that I should gain."
We have 2000 years of Christian history
through which God can teach and challenge us,
"the great cloud of witnesses"
through which God can teach and challenge us.

Our seeing happens through spirit-filled eyes
as the light, knowledge and glory of God
fills our whole being.
That Almighty vision can fill our minds and hearts.
It can lift us from
"the sin which so easily besets us"
into a Christ-centred, and Christ-filled life.
It's so easy for us to take for granted
the richness of our Christian heritage in the new age.
Yet this is the very foundation, with the Word,
that allows us, with Paul,
to experience the "face of Jesus".

Bob Imms 12.9.10


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