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The Heart of the Matter

6th April 2012


1Sam. 16:17
"Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart."(NIV)

As we live our daily lives with God
how difficult it is for us to keep in mind
that our heavenly father is not only walking with us,
but he is also preparing the way for us,
and picking up the pieces when we go astray.
This all happens because as Samuel says
"God sees not as man sees."

It is hard to accept that God is interested
in everything that happens to us,
yet it is true that he is.
Because God loves us with an everlasting love
that is what God does.

How often do we allow what others say to us
to become more important
than what God says to us?
Is it so hard to acknowledge
what God says to us?

It is in our hearts that we experience
the deeper things of God.
It is in our hearts that we experience
the deepest hurt because of our sin.
It is in our hearts that we experience
the greatest joy of the Lord.
It is through our heart-felt thanks
that we express our deepest love
for our heavenly father.

Bob Imms 1.4.12



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