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The light that leads to life

22nd July 2013


 John 8:12

“If you follow me

you won’t have to walk in darkness,

because you will have the light that leads to life.”


We mere human beings

always link darkness to light,

but the scriptures always link light to life.


John in his gospel says

“his (Jesus’) life brings light to everyone”.


Before Jesus

came in his human presence

there was God the Creator

who put in place

the order of all things for us.

We must follow his plan

and his purpose in our living.


Jesus is the light of the world

and His light will ‘lead to life’ for us. 

God’s plan for our living

was what Jesus taught us during

His 3 years of earthly ministry.

So Father, Son and Holy Spirit

are involved in God’s daily plan for us.


Oh the wonder of it all!



Bob Imms                    7.7.13

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