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The Most High

9th February 2012


Luke 1:35
"The angel replied, "the Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the most high will overshadow you"

This unbelievable promise
was in response to Mary's words, "I am a virgin."
To fully understand the virgin birth
we must remind ourselves of the words
of the angel to Mary,
"for nothing is impossible with God."

Let us not reduce the birth of Jesus
to the commonness of mere humanity.
This act of God, which shares the glory of his son,
with his created world is all of love.
Here the fullness of God's glory
is completely revealed in a common stable and a manger scene.

The Holy Spirit
and the power of the most high
speaks to us of the mystery
of God's presence in our lives,
unbelievable , but real.

My friends ,
where would we be if God had not
broken through the godlessness of our mere humanity?
The virgin birth lifts us out of our humanness
and cloths us with His grace and love.

The wonder of it all is that God used
a deeply committed, and sincere woman,
not a prophet, priest or king,
to reveal the wonders of his grace.

Oh the glory and wonder of it all.
"Love came down at Christmas;
love all lovely, love divine."

Bob Imms 25.12.11



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