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The Psalms Speaking to Me

26th September 2011


“You have been my God
from the moment I was born.”

Can it really be true?
Yes Lord, for nothing is impossible for God.

“I will be filled with joy because of You.
I will sing praise to Your name , O Most High.”

To be filled with joy is a true blessing.
Then praise for my God becomes real for me.

“I will bless the Lord who guides me;
even at night my heart guides me.”

The need of God’s guidance for me never ceases.
It can come even in the night as I sleep through the inner Word.

“As the deer pants for streams of water
So I long for you, O God.”

Our longing for God should not be to fill a need,
but rather to answer a need.
That need is always for You, O my God.

Bob Imms 25.9.11

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