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Treasure These Things

9th February 2012


Luke 2:19
"Mary treasured up all these things,
pondering them in her heart."

These words could apply to Mary
not only before, but also after Jesus' birth.

Is it any wonder that she would be questioning
what the heavenly host had said to the shepherds?
She would also be remembering what the angel Gabriel
and Elizabeth had said to her.
But she would not doubt
what the angel said, concerning the birth of Jesus.
"The Holy Spirit will come upon you
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you."

One could well imagine
her saying to herself, before the birth,
"Will he really be my son?" and
"will I be able to kiss and cuddle him?"
On the other hand she would treasure up
"all these things...in her heart"
long after he was born.
I have often wondered how difficult
it would have been for Mary
as she and Joseph tried to be parents to the Son of God.

I like the two linked words "treasured" and "pondering".
Not only did she hide them away
and treasure them in her heart,
but she was continually "pondering" them.

This behaviour signifies how important these words were for her.
She took seriously her words to the angel Gabriel,
"may everything you have said about me
come true."

Bob Imms 18.12.11



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